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Worplesdon Primary School

Worplesdon Primary School

The Federated Schools of Wood Street Infant School and Worplesdon Primary School

Wood Street School

Year 4

Welcome to Year 4.  We pride ourselves on being excellent role models to the younger children in the school by modelling impeccable behaviour during lessons and when moving around the school.  We love developing our writing skills by creating information reports, stories and poems about our topics.

Who Are the Teachers


Miss Mallalieu (Class Teacher)

Mrs Lintott

Mrs Brock


Miss Small (Class Teacher)

Mrs Sumner

Mrs Hunt


Miss Piercy (Class Teacher)

Mrs Fyfe

Mrs Wiltshire

Important Things to Know

 P.E. Kit

Our P.E. lessons after February half term are on Wednesdays and Fridays. Children need to come to school dressed in their P.E. kits, therefore they do not need to keep a P.E. kit in school. As a reminder, this is grey tracksuit bottoms (with their red shorts underneath if they wish), white P.E. t-shirt, grey jumper or school jumper with their trainers. Please avoid sending your child to school wearing earrings on P.E. days. 


Children in Year 4 are expected to complete a minimum of FOUR signed reads per week, recording these in their reading diary. Their diaries are checked in school every Monday. Children should also visit Times Tables Rockstars to complete 21 minutes of Garage every week. We will also be checking the engagement with this on a Monday where there is an opportunity for the children to win rewards.


Reading books and diaries should be in school every day.

They will be checked every Monday.

The School uses a wide variety of reading schemes that directly link with the National Bookband Scheme.

We expect to see four signed reads per week.


Please ****  NO NUTS  ****

Children are allowed to bring in a piece of fresh fruit or vegetables to eat at break time and are encouraged to have a bottle of water in the classroom to keep hydrated.


If there are any questions or concerns, please drop in to see the Class Teacher or leave a note in your child’s reading diary. We are here to help.

Curriculum Details

Please see the Long Term Planning to see in detail what is taught in each term.

Envis Way, Worplesdon, Guildford , Surrey GU3 3NL

01483 232126