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Worplesdon Primary School

Worplesdon Primary School

The Federated Schools of Wood Street Infant School and Worplesdon Primary School

Wood Street School

School Day

Travelling to School

We actively encourage our pupils and staff to walk, scoot or cycle to school wherever possible. We also provide access to a Walking Bus from the local community centre. Further information can be found by emailing the office.

We understand that sometimes there is no alternative to driving to school. Where a car must be used we ask parents to drive only part of the way then stride or scoot the rest of the journey. We have a 5-10 minute walk zone that we ask parents to park outside of. If you do have to drive your child(ren) and stop in the near vicinity please do so legally, safely and with respect for our neighbours and local residents. It is not acceptable to park or wait on double yellow lines, on the school zigzags or across residential driveways for any period of time.

Start and Finish Times

Children attend our school for 32.5 hours per week.

Our school day timings will be the following:

Reception - Year 6

Drop off: 8:45am - 8:55am (register closes at 9am)

Pick up: 15:20pm

The Haven

Drop off: 8:45am (register closes at 9am)

Pick up: 15:00pm

Pick up locations:

Pick up for Infant children and Year 3 is from their external classroom doors.

Pick up for Years 4, 5 and 6 is from the Junior playground.

Pick up and drop off for Haven children is from their entrance on the infant playground.

Break Times

All children have a 20 minute morning break time, where they are invited to bring in a fresh fruit or vegetable snack to eat.

Children also have a 1 hour lunch time, the timings of which are staggered throughout the year groups. This time is split between eating and playing.

Infant children also have an afternoon play.


Envis Way, Worplesdon, Guildford , Surrey GU3 3NL

01483 232126