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Worplesdon Primary School

Worplesdon Primary School

The Federated Schools of Wood Street Infant School and Worplesdon Primary School

Wood Street School

Year 1

Welcome to Year 1 and to the Infants.  In Year 1 the children learn about so many exciting things, through Reading, Writing, Maths, Art, D.T., Computing, History, Geography, R.E., P.E. and Science. Topics are linked to these subjects to provide a relevant, cross-curricular approach to the children’s learning, catering for all learners.

Who Are the Teachers ?


Miss Dunne (Class Teacher)

Mrs Strojny

Mrs Sherwin

Mr Thomas


Mrs Burdett (Class Teacher)

Mrs Goldswain

Mrs Atkin

Mrs Bah

Miss Crooke

Welcome to Year 1

Important Things to Know

P.E. Kit 

Our P.E. lessons after February half term are on Wednesdays and Fridays. Children need to come to school dressed in their P.E. kits, therefore they do not need to keep a P.E. kit in school. As a reminder, this is grey tracksuit bottoms (with their red shorts underneath if they wish), white P.E. t-shirt, grey jumper or school jumper with their trainers. Please avoid sending your child to school wearing earrings on P.E. days. 


In Year 1  we ask that children read four times a week and this is signed in their reading diaries. In addition, please can children practice their number bonds on the website numbots. All children have a login to this.


Each week in our weekly message to parents we share different maths games / activities as well as websites relevant to the learning we have done that week for parents to use with their children at home to reinforce the learning completed at school.


We use the Essential Letters and Sounds phonics scheme to teach phonics and reading in Year One. The reading books the children bring home are carefully matched to their phonic knowledge based on what is being taught and teacher assessment of their reading.

Once children are ready to move on from phonetically decodable books they will start on the school book bands scheme from turquoise level.

Reading is assessed against the National Curriculum statements for Year One.

Reading diaries should be in school each day to record any reading we do in school.

We expect to see four signed reads per week.

Regular reading at home really supports children’s progress but most importantly builds their confidence as a reader.


Please ****  NO NUTS  ****

Children are allowed to bring in a piece of fresh fruit or vegetables to eat at break time and are encouraged to have a bottle of water in the classroom to keep hydrated.

Please ensure snacks are sent in a named container or bag.


If there are any questions or concerns, please drop in to see the Class Teacher, we are here to help.

Curriculum Details

Please see the long term planning to see in detail what is taught in each term.

Envis Way, Worplesdon, Guildford , Surrey GU3 3NL

01483 232126