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Worplesdon Primary School

Worplesdon Primary School

The Federated Schools of Wood Street Infant School and Worplesdon Primary School

Wood Street School

Preparing for the FULL re-opening of school on Monday 8th March

It is an absolute pleasure to announce that we will be re-opening Worplesdon to all children on Monday 8th March. I cannot thank you enough for your patience, support and understanding over the last year!

 The purpose of this letter is to: 

  1. Explain what we are trying to achieve, in line with the government’s directive 
  2. Give an overview of the risk assessment we have carried out 
  3. Provide you with the detail around the implementation of the risk assessment 
  4. Share our expectations of parents in the support of our risk assessment
  5. Explain our next steps 

What are we trying to achieve? 

On 22nd February, the Prime Minister stated: “From 8 March all children and students should return to school or college and attendance will be mandatory once again from this date. Out-of-school settings and wraparound childcare providers will be open to parents who need to access it to work, attend education or seek medical care, and to vulnerable children.” 

As a result, we will: 

  1. a. Provide provision from 8.30-3.30 for all children (with a staggered drop off and pick up which is detailed in our FAQ) 
  2. b. Provide breakfast and after school club up to the Easter holidays for parents who need to access it to work, attend education or seek medical care, and to vulnerable children (please complete the separate form by Monday 1st March) 
  3. c. Provide breakfast and after school club from the beginning of the Summer term for all families (please complete seperate form to aid our planning) 

How has the risk assessment been carried out? 

The risk assessment has been carried out following guidance and best practice issued by the Department for Education, and the Local Authority. In addition, we have listened to the views of the scientific community, unions and education professional bodies such as the National Governance Association. At the heart of our risk assessment is the safety of pupils, staff and the families we serve. The Governing Board has worked in consultation with school leadership to assess the risks in our context, and to identify the actions that must be taken to mitigate those risks. 

It is important to note that a return to school is not risk free; it will mirror the risks to society, and place additional burdens on the management of schools – particularly regarding social distancing and hygiene. 

How are the school providing the details around the continued implementation of the risk assessment? 

We have created a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) document which can be found below. This includes:

  • Arrangement of children’s bubbles 
  • Equipment to bring, including school uniform requirements 
  • Drop off and pick up arrangements which are being arranged according to your child’s house (i.e. Fire, Water, Air or Earth) 
  •  School environment set up 
  • Curriculum 
  • Playtime and lunchtime arrangements 
  • Cleaning arrangements 
  • Parking arrangements 
  • First aid, illness and intimate care protocols 
  • Sharing of rules with children 
  • Wrap around provision (Early Birds & Night Owls) 

This FAQ can be found below and will be updated as appropriate. We will alert you of any updates by sending you a ParentMail to refer to the document.

How can you support the school? 

We rely on all of our families to adhere to the governments clear restrictions to ensure all our families and staff remain as safe as possible. England is still in a national lockdown. You must stay at home, leaving only where permitted by law, and follow the rules in this guidance. From 8 March, you will be allowed to spend time in outdoor public spaces for recreation on your own, with one other person, or with your household or support bubble. This means you can sit down for a drink or picnic. You must continue to maintain social distance from those outside your household. This is in addition to outdoor exercise, which is already permitted. Please note that this means that playdates, meeting at the park with several households and sleepovers are still not allowed. 

Furthermore, we ask for all adults to wear a face mask when dropping off and picking up, maintaining a 2 metre social distance and not gathering socially. 

What are the next steps? 

During the next two weeks, staff will get the classrooms set up for their whole class to return and the cleaning team will carry out a deep clean of the school and resources to be used. Furthermore, we will continue our staff training on: the implementation of the recovery curriculum: safeguarding arrangements; and a review of our current bridge plan for the term ahead. 

Thank you for your continued support and understanding. If you would like to discuss any of the details in this letter or the FAQ document attached, please do not hesitate to contact me on

Envis Way, Worplesdon, Guildford , Surrey GU3 3NL

01483 232126